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Will You Be Bitter

This teaching was a little odd in the sense that one third, may even half of it was formulated over ten years ago. And as God always does in your pursuit of Him, He always adds to what was deposited in you previously in your life. Whether it be new revelations, fresh findings from previous scriptures that had been deposited deep down inside. He completed this thought just over a year ago. The topic of bitterness attempts if we are not careful to resurface in our lives from time to time. Sometimes it is a circumstance, an issue, or in this case some unresolved hurt that has been allowed to fester and survive. Are they just simply resist the trials even thinking that God has forgotten them (Job 36:13 and 14)

The simple answer to this is just to deal with trials when God says, “we are not going around, but going through!” I see this exact thing happening way too often to believers who regularly attend Church, they love God and others, but just find it easier to bury the hard stuff, the hurtful stuff, the personal stuff that will cause them to grow!!! The result is they slowly dry up, sometimes even with a smile on their face.

A very sad place to be, boxed in by their own choices!!!!!!! God completed this topic less than a year ago. As always, it is my prayer that this has challenged you to have a stronger open relationship with God.

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