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Why So Many Roadblocks?

This teaching was a tough one because I think it fair to say the most do not like the refining process, myself included. If we knew the outcome, if we knew the specific timetable, maybe we could naturally tough up and set our minds to the trial or test. But with God, this is just not naturally possible, and maybe that is where the problem lies. Our way, our will, our dreams, and ambitions most often are opposed to the ultimate will of God for our lives. If a man or a woman can say that their heart is totally surrendered and pure before God, I will be the first to admire such an individual, and desire to model my life after such a commitment. Jesus, of course, was the only such human.

“I surrender all” is a song that was repetitively sung, referred to in scripture and we all probably even had the number in the hymnal memorized, but let that song start reaching the hidden crevice’s of your heart, and suddenly a resistance begins to try and assert itself and the realization becomes apparent that this Christian walk is much more than the salvation experience that awakened our soul. The battle between our flesh and our new spirit begins in earnest. Our new man fights the old man and God constantly beckons us to submit to the refiner’s fire.

Truth is, to remain submissive and compliant to the “Master Refiner” is the only way to have, maintain and thrive in your Christian walk. FAITH, TRUST, and DISCIPLINE are the byproducts of this Holy lifestyle. This assures us that when we face Jesus that He will say “Well done my good and faithful servant.” Minimize the roadblocks, the detours that we often place between us and this fire……

As always, it is my prayer that this has challenged you to have a stronger open relationship with God.

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