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What are You Holding Back?

Writer: Marty MartinMarty Martin

It’s Monday morning; You are well into your normal morning routine of getting ready for another work week. As you finish up in the bathroom and make your way to the kitchen, you turn on the TV and immediately the news story grabs your attention. As you prepare your lunch and hastily finish your breakfast, the story says, “Husband and wife fall dead at the altar!!” George Stephenopoulos stumbles through with few hard details and the rest of the crew seem almost equally puzzled as well. Your initial thought is this must be one of those crazy churches in the South that handles rattlesnakes and hears voices from God, and off you go!!

When you get into the car you are a little agitated that this same story has interrupted your normal morning talk radio routine, also running the same story. The radio host and some assorted guests are speaking with little more detail, and while slightly interested you say to yourself, “I am so glad that at my Church such an event would never happen!” You reflect on the service on Sunday thankful that the praise team played all your favorite songs, the volume was not too loud, and the air conditioning was just right. You are anticipating the six-week series on “Releasing the Champion inside of me”, and at last you have something that you can be excited about.

By the end of the week, the mainstream media is in full blitz exploiting this as what could happen to America if the right-wing religious extremist has their way in this country. Charisma magazine is working around the clock and is ecstatic that their printing presses are running around the clock to keep this story front and center. TBN is running this story 24/7, with interpretations, prophetic warnings, each trying to outdo the other. The home church parking lot has been overtaken with media trucks, the pastor, close friends, choir members, and neighbors have all been sucked into this event. This small quiet little town has been turned into an out of control circus, of part truth, part fiction but mostly wild speculation, primarily missing the real story simply because this progressive media style sells.

While the above scenario may seem a little “exaggerated”, such a story took place in the infancy of the “Church”. This account in Acts is the first time the term “Church” (Universal) was used in the Bible. This title was a new distinctive that set the people of God apart from any known religion or group at the time. God speaking directly and individually to His people; miracles, signs and wonders, and demonstrations of power were a new but common occurrence. The following story was taken from Acts 5:1-16, and the location was at Solomon’s Court. The same location that the story of the lame man being healed took place) Acts3:11

The NKJ Concordance says that historians have given descriptions of Solomon’s court as a large semi-covered area, where people regularly gathered for different events, but now it had become one of the regular meeting places for the early church. This layout allowed for those passing by that may be curious to often overhear or observe what was being discussed while it was taking place.

At the end of the previous chapter Acts 4: 32-37 it describes the overall atmosphere and heart attitude that was prevalent at that time. For sure you have seen the phrase “of one heart and one mind”, repeated many times in some form in the New Testament, and particularly in the other chapters of Acts. While numerous social factors, (isolation, persecution) and early theological beliefs (Christ eminent return), all contributed in some form to this mindset. But the overriding factor was the Church was now experiencing a vital and life-changing relationship with God through the infilling presence of the Holy Spirit. It is plainly demonstrated by the open and unselfish sharing of all material possessions. The selling of their goods was completely voluntary and then distributed according to the needs of the people.

In Acts 4: 37&38 It specifically mentions a man by the name of Joses who was given the nickname of Barnabus, which means “Son of Encouragement”. Evidently, his selflessness and ability to encourage those who were downhearted put him in a place of esteem and great respect among the believers. It is interesting two me that this story describes two contrasting examples: 1) a pure and honest heart before God, and 2) a heart that continues to operate out of selfish motives. Barnabus representing God’s plan, God’s Heart: Ananias and Sapphira, all that was selfish and carnal. Acts 5:1&2 explain the sin of the husband and wife and Verse 3 in detail describes Peter’s revelation and confrontation of Ananias. It shows us once again that God knows the very heart and motives of each man and woman. I am sure Peter had access to all the financial books of this upstart church; It stands to reason that he and others in the church were well aware of the current values of real estate: and it only stands to reason that he was continually being updated on the growing needs of this congregation. It would be easy to conclude that this confrontation occurred simply due to known facts! But if that were the case, then why would the power of the Holy Spirit be needed to reach this shocking conclusion??

It is very clear that Peter under the power and influence of the “Holy Spirit” was given a word of knowledge 1 Cor 12:8. (revelation of facts or information not previously known by an individual and specific to an individual or particular situation) so that God’s will may be performed. Peter receives this revelation of information not previously known, and with power and boldness confronts Ananias (the specific individual) about a specific situation. Verse 3 says “Why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit, and keep back part of the price of land for yourself?” Peter bluntly proclaimed that “Satan has filled your heart” and later asking the wife “how is it?” Can you imagine in today's seeker-sensitive congregations a Pastor daring to ask such a question?? The Deacons committee would be in an outrage!! But these questions imply that Satan was given access (maybe a stronghold, a crack in the door, a character flaw, or simply an unrepentant heart) that uncorrected allowed this to manifest in a deceitful act. This is a great example, and a warning of what the “fake it till you make it approach with God could lead to.” Could this couple have witnessed the admiration and esteem given to Barnabus and became jealous or envious? Could they have been hedging their bets in case God did not come through?? Maybe, but we are not sure exactly what the real issue was. What we do know is that their actions led to DEATH!!

We have all been part of some great services. The ones that stick out to me are the ones where the Pastor has been led by the Holy Spirit to change the topic and even changing a preset order of service. You can sense that something fresh is coming directly from God. But I believe it is safe to say that none of us have witnessed such an event as someone dropping dead at the altar after being confronted by the Pastor. We all can understand that “great fear” would be expected, but how does a Pastor move forward after such an event has taken place!!?? Just imagine; Do you dare look around? Do you chance to make eye contact with the Pastor? Do you cry out in repentance? All I know is that while the young men arose, wrapped up the body, and when outside and began to dig a grave, the service continued for the next three hours!! I am sure these gatherings were a little less structured and free-flowing than the services that we have become accustomed to today, but none the less ordered and formatted by God. (He is the God of order)

Verse 7 says that three hours later in walked Sapphira, unaware of the previous events that had taken place: I am sure it took her only seconds to realize that something had changed. Maybe she looked for her husband in his normal seat; maybe women began to cry; no one would dare make eye contact; are maybe the conviction of the Holy Spirit was heavy in the room? She went from thinking “oh what another wonderful day in the church”, to coming face to face with the judgment of God. All of her questions were about to be answered!! In Verse 8 Peter asks, “tell me whether you sold the land for so much!!” and she answered, “yes for that amount.” You can feel the weight of the moment when in Verse 9 Peter saysHow is it that you agreed together” to test the Holy Spirit? Look at the feet of those who have buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out as well!” She dropped dead and was buried with her husband. What song do you play for the altar call? “Just as I am?” or is “I surrender all” more appropriate?? Are is it just when God shows up that He demands our obedience and respect!!

Peter correctly accused Sapphira in agreeing and being compliant with her husband in blatantly “testing the Holy Spirit”. Could it be that they did not know better? Did they not know that their sin was not against man, but against God? What is clear is their justification or excuse that they made for their actions did not stand the test before God. As a result of this couple’s immediate judgment, great fear fell upon all believers and the unbelievers who witnessed this account. Verse12-14 say “and through the hands of the Apostles, many signs and wonders were done among the people. And they were with one accord in Solomon’s porch. Yet none of the rest dared join them, but instead, the people esteemed them highly. And believers were increasingly added to the Lord, both men, and women.”

Before I move on, I want to go back and look at a verse that I was guilty of somewhat overlooking at first glance. But when finalizing this study it just jumped out at me!! Verse 4 says “while it remained, was it not in your own? After it was sold, was it not in your control? Why have you conceived this thing (this deceptive scheme) in your heart? You have not lied to men, but you have lied to God!!” Peter is laying out the case here (I believe with a broken heart) to Ananias, while at the same, teaching the others that ultimately you and you alone, are responsible for your choices, actions and sinful behaviors. He is telling him that he had many opportunities throughout this process to abort this plan. Come clean, present the correct amount, but He and She decided not to!! I see two things here: 1.) I hear the Spirit pleading with us saying: “Why do you continue to do it your way, insistent on trying to work Me into your plan? 2.) The clear picture of a Father who says, “even after” you have messed up, my forgiveness and mercy are available if you will only take ownership of your actions and come to me with a humble and repentant heart.”

We find ourselves years later into the “Church Age”, and this story has just walked us through the infancy and early beginnings of the Church. What has changed over this time period? Same God, same Holy Spirit, the completion of the scriptures has long been completed. These scriptures are loaded with repeated warnings of what the cost will be when God is not placed first in your life. We are still asked to choose “Life or Death”, no different than the children of Israel in the Old Testament. Revelation 3 cries out loudly to the Church saying, “those that have an ear, let them hear what the Spirit has to say!!” Does the fact that we may not see an immediate consequence for our choices against God change the seriousness of our relationship with Him.? Do our routines, schedules and regulated formats water down and make less effective our pursuit and need of God? Do we still pause and count the true cost of a true and vital relationship with God? All of these are serious questions that we must ask ourselves.

In closing; I started with a little humor, maybe digging a little at the current American Church, the media and the modern overall approach to God. We live in a time that affords us many different flavors of Church, contradicting styles and theologies, and the growing battle to stay authentic and honest in our pursuit of God. In the early Church, the cost of knowing and following Christ most likely meant the loss of everything. But in this exchange, their lives were joyful, abundant, selfless, caring and considerate of others. But they were dynamic, powerful and effective. In today’s Church, these qualities seem RARE AND ALMOST NON-EXISTANT. We do still have the SAME GOD, the SAME HOLY SPIRIT, so what has changed?



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