This teaching had a very slow start, and for years I carried in my Bible, a three-paragraph start to something that I thought would be easy!! Fifteen years later, that same three-paragraph note was still hanging around. And yes, not another paragraph had been added!! But I never threw it away for some odd reason. The life of David has intrigued me since childhood; Maybe when I was young it was the lions, the bears, and of course Goliath who showed up in my dreams on occasion over the years. But when I became an adult it was clearly his deeply personal relationship with God. It was his boldness with God, that kept this piece of paper alive and well.
The conclusion (are the rest of this story) came to me during a sermon on Grace!! And suddenly what was three paragraphs had now evolved into a teaching on boldness. The same boldness of David in his approach to God; is the same boldness that we are challenged to exhibit in our approach to God. (Heb. 4:16) I was amazed and humbled at how so many years later God completed a thought that he had placed in me so many years ago!!!
Let us be bold, courageous and fearless in our approach to God. As always, it is my prayer that this has challenged you to have a stronger open relationship with God.
This is a great articicle