I do not think that there is ever a Christian who has lived, that has not had to deal with this issue in their heart from time to time. Whether it shows up in relationships, personal habits, character flaws or just the basic human nature. Pride can show itself in many ways but none more obvious than in the manifestation of stubbornness.
It is rooted in the thought process of I want it my way, I am right, my way is better than yours and basically says “I am superior to all others.” And even to the degree that we can place ourselves equal to God. Of course, we would never likely vocalize that sentiment, but our actions many times speak differently. What may start out in that internal secret place, will in time show itself through our outward actions and responses. If not dealt with and exposed by the Holy Spirit, we could easily end up as King Saul did at the end of his life, Devoid of THE PRESENCE OF GOD.
We should always be on guard against stubbornness and even more being at peace with that stubbornness. Allowing the fresh flow of the Holy Spirit through all the areas of our life is the safeguard that keeps hardness of heart at bay. As always, it is my prayer that this has challenged you to have a stronger open relationship with God.